I Bit My Tongue

Relationships are often marked by tiny little details that encompass a bigger picture. Some usually end in heartache, but there are the very few ones that continue on.
I say this because a lot of times we see things but we choose to be blind to them. I think you know what I'm saying. Holding on, when you know there is really no point. Going after someone when they've done everything but say that they're not interested. Falling in love when you already knew it wasn't going to work out. I say this because I am a victim of this complex game we let ourselves into.
Somethings are simple, really. No, means no. Sometimes it can mean, come back later, or better yet, "WAIT."
Have you ever tried it? Waiting?
What? Seriously?
Yeah. Sometimes it's not the right time, and you need to wait. Some of the best things can happen when you have some little patience.
Easier said than done, but at least it doesn't end like this:


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