Our Cracking Bones Make Noise

In photography, you can capture a moment with a click. Not exactly a moment but something that caught your attention and brought you to take that heavy camera from your bag and take a picture. Some moments are harder to capture, the lighting, the way you viewed it, it's not the same when you get that picture in a camera. I wish I could capture every moment that made me come alive. Those rare instances, where you're completely elated and excited about the life you're living. I would keep that moment in my pocket and get it out whenever I needed to be reminded that life is not all about fighting, struggling and suffering - but there are moments of intense beauty and awe.

Other moments, I would delete from my camera. Those ugly instances where a person has made you feel invisible, a complete sense of shame for something that came out wrong or you can't take back. Moments where you're the worst version of yourself - and you can't seem to get over it. I would keep the sadness. Sadness can be a complete surrender of the things you can't do for yourself. Situations where you need help and support of someone and you realize your own vulnerability. It can be something completely beautiful. For example, when Isaiah promises that beauty will come from the ashes.

There's nothing wrong with a little sadness, it allows for you to admit that you can't make it on your own. U2 got that one right. These pictures, I would keep close, to be reminded of my vulnerability as a human. It's alright to be vulnerable, it allows for you to be honest with yourself and others - to be open to change. Change can be amazing. If we allowed ourselves to be vulnerable on a daily basis, I don't think we'd be as misunderstood as we allow ourselves to be.
Unfortunately, we toughen our hearts and we proceed. It's a mode of survival, so we're blinded by the things around us. We forget and don't understand what it is like to feel broken. In our quest to protect ourselves, we can't reach out to others. In our fear of breaking the fragile thing that is our heart, we ignore the other people around us who might be going through the same thing. I don't know about you, but I don't want to be blind.

"We are so fragile,
Our cracking bones make noise
We are breakable, breakable,
Boys and girls."

Ingrid Michaelson - Breakable


  1. great insight and it's very true being misunderstood is very easy and protecting your heart (as we grow older) becomes like second nature...something you forget that you're doing. But I think sometimes you meet someone or several people who are able to get past that and something beautiful always develops. :)

  2. You write so beautifully....what a lovely post!

    I most definitely do ship internationally! :)

  3. Great!! Some moments we can capture the soul.Do you agree?


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