la mariposa braves the cold

When we last saw the little butterfly she had gone to a Chili shaped land. Now her next adventure would be to brave the cold winter of the land of the Brits.

Now, innocently the little butterfly had thought, that winter in the land of the Brits, would be a shower of raindrops. However, she found that the land had been witnessing a shower of white stars floating gently to the ground. Sometimes staying, and at the same time disappearing.

The little butterfly made sure she saw her Estonian snail writer friend

Then she found out that the Picaddilly circus, wasn't really a circus

And she followed around, the big red buses

The little butterfly was overyjoyed to find a place that captured other wonderful creatures in the world

And then she whisked off to Abby Road, and made sure to look for love

Because all you need is love

The little butterfly was glad she got home, to where the sun shone and it was warm. She looks forward to her next adventures and now she will go take a nap.



  1. Sounds like an amazing trip. I want to visit the land of the Brits too!

  2. Oh, how fun was this. You look so cute in the last pic. Sounds like a wonderful day!

  3. I love how you told a story through pictures! Gorgeous!

  4. i adore this story! uber cute my dear draga :)


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