adieu octubre,

I can truly say that october is my favorite month, and here it is, gone again,  and I will have to wait patiently  for  its  next arrival. I don't know  what it is about this month. It reminds  me  of days spent in autumn  leaves, and the anticipation of  snow frost. 
Sadly, there is none of  that here in Brazil, but  the days are pretty, sunlight  playing in  between the leaves, the green seeming to turn lighter and people walking back and forth, going to and from school and work.
This past weekend we had a holiday, and I found myself going alone to a movie,  and I  have to say, that you can be your best own kind of company. I had forgotten that. It  was nice being able to go somewhere, not having to worry about  the time or  the expectations of  the other person. Getting what you want without  feeling guilty or sitting down and just watching people. I haven't found anyone who has the patience to do  so, every conversation seems like  it needs to be filled with laughter or  interesting things. Sometimes, I'm just not interesting or I  have nothing to say. I like to immerse in my thoughts, but who likes to hear those out  loud? They would make no sense.
I sit here, in  anticipation  of something, some grand event during the day, but the thing that  makes me  the happiest at this particular moment, is the taste of coffee and the excitement of getting up and going to grab another, sit on the poof and watch how the sun plays with the colors outside.


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