two roads diverged in a yellow wood

The world didn't end and well I thought this blog did. However, I am back again to blog about absolutely nothing but hopefully get back to writing my thoughts down. I am sitting outside on a summer night, thinking of this particular day, where I left with my boy's family to the outskirts of Santiago. It's about an hour and a half from the city. This was the perfect way to spend a summer Christmas. It wasn't very warm, since we could feel a refreshing wind touch our faces. We walked up to a small waterfall and just marveled at how small we were compared to the mountains.

It never fails to amaze me... how little we are... and I always wander, having the mountains so close, if I couldn't just move it to the right with my fingers...


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hi! thanks for stopping by.
I love hearing what you think, don't be shy :)
and I hope you have a lovely day!

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