I've been searching in that waiting room

My mind keeps going back and forth and I still find myself in the same moment I've been in at various points throughout the years. A sort of longing and a heightened realization that I've been in this waiting room for so long. I think I need to cut back on the music I listen to, music has a way of effecting how you feel.  Everything from here just seems blurry and I can only see about a few feet ahead. C'est la vie, I suppose. Sometimes you just ache to see a clearer vision! What lies ahead! It's something so mysterious and unattainable. You need to know. Then again, sometimes you don't need to know, do you? Who knows!


  1. you should make that line into a song. even though it contradicts your post of giving up music! :) but "in the waiting room" is the perfect title for a song, don't you think????


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