dear world,

I  often read  things I  wrote  from a  while back,  especially in my journal. Maybe from  being such a  clumsy  and disaster-prone individual, often I  am interested in  reading  what I  thought about certain things.  I do  that sometimes  with  this blog, reading things  that  I wrote a  while and  I forget  many things that  happen.  What a way to keep special  memories alive!

So come travel back with  me?

1. A  story about an angel here.
2. Change is going to come.
3. 21st birthday
4. An instant where I saw the boy who my  first  kiss when to.
5. Cultivating a hard friendship.
6. A chaser of  rainbows.
7.  Dreams in Alice-inspired houses.
8. New beginnings
9. Poland.
10. Retrospective. 

I'm in the process of  writing a very late 21 things  to  do before 22. It's  definetly motivating!
And I  leave you  with a question...

Are there any posts  that struck you?


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